Wednesday, June 12, 2019

SUREVEG Project: Developing robots for strip-cropping systems

The SUREVEG project proposes the development and application of new organic cropping systems using strip-cropping and fertility strategies to improve resilience, system sustainability, local nutrient recycling and soil carbon storage. The project has three main goals: 1) Designing and testing strip-cropping systems in vegetable producing countries at different geographical locations in Europe, 2) Developing and testing soil-improvers and fertilizers based on pre-treated organic plant residues, and 3) Developing and testing smart technologies for management of strip-cropping systems.

The Technical University of Madrid and the Centre for Automation and Robotics are involved in the third goal: Smart machinery for strip-cropping systems. This work aims at developing a robotic tool for the automation of field operations in strip-cropping systems, including the adequate sensors to collect valuable data and actuators to apply precise fertilization. Specifically, it comprises four goals: 1) Designing a multi-purpose robotic tool, 2) Developing sensing systems and algorithms, 3) Developing an actuation system, and 4) Implementing motion planning strategies.

Here you can see the first prototype (I have worked on the manipulator robot):

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